We have all heard it before — that as we age our skin starts to lose elasticity, leading to wrinkles or fine lines. While this might be common information, that doesn’t mean that we have to accept it when there are other options like Dysport® around! Here at Infinite Allure, we want to help individuals feel comfortable and confident in their own skin and in their appearance, and just one of the ways that we are able to do that is with Dysport® injectables.
Studio portrait of a beautiful young woman concerned about forehead wrinkles against a gray background
Dysport® is very similar to BOTOX® injections in that they both are derived from the same source- Botulinum toxin. This toxin released by bacteria is a potent muscle paralytic, and when injected into very tiny areas by medical doctors and medical professionals, they help the muscles to relax and the skin around those areas smooth out, thereby eliminating or drastically reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles. When it comes to choosing between Dysport® and BOTOX®, you really need to talk with our medical doctors to determine which will be most effective for your unique body chemistry, since each product can work better on certain individuals than others.
At Infinite Allure, we want to help you through the process of Dysport® injectables with minimal fear and discomfort. Our soothing medical spa environment is just the first step in the process of making your experience more pleasant for your Dysport® procedure. If you have questions about the Dysport® procedures or any of our other treatments, we would love to talk with you further. Contact us today and learn how our Greensboro, North Carolina friends and neighbors are enjoying Infinite Allure.
At Infinite Allure, we offer Dysport® treatments to those in Greensboro, Chapel Hill, Durham, High Point, Raleigh, and Winston-Salem, North Carolina.