Everything You Need to Know About the P-Shot

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Everything You Need to Know About the P-Shot

Posted on July 10, 2019

Difficulty maintaining or achieving erection, as well as concerns about penile shape, size, and curvature, are issues that can affect a man’s self-esteem and even create stress between partners, especially as a man ages. If you are struggling with any of these issues and are looking for options, at Infinite Allure, we recommend the P-Shot.

having the P-Shot done usually takes about an hour to complete

The “P” in P-Shot stands for Platelet Rich Plasma, which means the process stimulates cellular regeneration and tissue repair using platelets from your own blood. When activated, these platelets can release proteins and other essential growth factors.

How can you benefit from the P-Shot? After having this procedure done, many men report:

  • Stronger and firmer erections
  • An improved ability to achieve and maintain erections
  • Increased penile girth and length
  • Minimization of penile pain when erect
  • Increased penile sensitivity and improved blood flow in the area

When you come to our med spa for the P-Shot, we will start by drawing a small amount of blood for the procedure in our office. We will then spin your blood in a specialized centrifuge, which will separate the platelets and the plasma from the other components of your blood. We apply numbing cream on the skin before injecting the shot, so you experience minimal discomfort during the process.

From start to finish, having the P-Shot done usually takes about an hour to complete. We would be happy to tell you more about what this process entails and if it’s right for you, so contact us at Infinite Allure today.

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